TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's
Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim.
Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
TES AWARD NOMINATED. Experts in Educational Resources for Secondary and Primary Schools. Not For Profit Team of Teachers and HOD's
Love a resource? Review it and get another resource of equal value FREE. Just review and email me on thecre8tiveresources@gmail.com to claim.
Our Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world.
Law and Justice GCSE Citizenship Revision Rubix Cubes for GCSE Citizenship
Suitable for KS3 and KS4 .Product code:
This 5 page Booklet Contains:
2x2 Revision Cube for the Law and Justice System (Differentiated for Lower ability 1-5)
3x3 Revision Cube for the LAw and Justice System (Differentiated for Higher ability 6-9)
2x2 Blank Revision Cube for students to create their own
3x3 Blank Revision Cube for students to create their own
Credits and Flipped Learning Opportunities
This resource will engage, educate and motivate your students for National Parliament Week – fantastic for quick and easy planning!
We offer a full teaching curriculum for the following subjects;
Sixth Form Personal Development
GCSE Citizenship
You can also get more FREE tips, resources and curriculum ideas by joining one of our teacher CPD Support groups
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email to TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com
Explore all our resources on TES
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Intervention and Revision - Repealing the Human Rights Act 1998 (Thinking about replacement with a British Bill of Rights) Product code: FUN/C8F/TL/10
Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards
This Resource Contains:
Intervention and revision materials for the topic: Repealing the Human rights Act 1998
1-5 version for lower ability
6-9 for higher and middle ability students.
These are fully adaptable templates that can be used to help students structure their written responses to both source based analysis questions and evaluate the statement 15/12 /8 mark questions.
How could you use this resource?
Homework tasks
Targeted Intervention groups
Peer assessment criteria for timed essay practice
Self assessment criteria for timed essay practice
Teacher assessment at the end of a unit
Revision for exam technique for GCSE Citizenship
Could be used with Cre8tive Resources Revision and Intervention packages, Marking Assessment Grids or Knowledge Organisers
You can also get more FREE tips, resources and curriculum ideas by joining one of our teacher CPD Support groups
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email to TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com
Explore all our resources on TES
**GCSE Law or GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Cards **
Types of Judges - Judicial Hierarchy and Powers
This resource includes:
x8 keyword topic revision cards with Pictures
x8 Without the pictures and with a ‘Draw it’ Activity
Each keyword topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Space for notes or a drawing activity,
and several Exam Technique Qs’on each of the cards
These are designed to help your students learn the new vocabulary required for GCSE LAW or the new GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
This resource is also useful for PP / EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions.
How can they be used?
Here are just a few examples of how our exam classes use them.
Students complete the Q’s and draw in the pictures.
-Hide them around the room and have students find them before introducing a new topic (Find links between different topic cards)
Matching up activity. Cut the topic cards in half and have students find the matching pairs.
-Encourage students to come up with their own extra key term topic cards or extra sentence they can use to include several key terms.
-Literacy support when writing essays.
-Revision material before exams.
Have a set laminated and cut out at the back of the classroom in a box for extension activities.
If you find these useful, check out our other revision sets suitable for GCSE Citizenship 9-1.
Why not pick up something educational and fun for the End of Term …
End of Term Quiz
The Big News Quiz
The Big summer Quiz
Citizenship Christmas Quiz
PSHE Christmas Quiz
This is a mini Work Book about NATO and UNITED NATIONS. CIT/C8F/TL/11 GCSE Citizenship course. Citizenship Law Politics Humanities Revision Homework or Class Activities
Key learning outcomes for this unit of work (If you purchase the Full Work Booklet) are:
To study the purpose of international organisations and why they were set up.
To understand the role the UK plays as part of these organisations.
To evaluate the effectiveness of these organisations.
All paid for resources come in editable formats. Citizenship GCSE Revision. Please leave a review if you found this product useful. The more reviews we get the more free material we are ale to produce.
We offer a full teaching curriculum for the following subjects;
Sixth Form Personal Development
GCSE Citizenship
You can also get more FREE tips, resources and curriculum ideas by joining one of our teacher CPD Support groups
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email to TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com
Explore all our resources on TES
This is a mini Work Book about the UK’s Role in international organisations CIT/C8F/TL/15. GCSE Citizenship course. Citizenship Law Politics Humanities Revision Homework or Class Activities
Key learning outcomes for this unit of work (If you purchase the Full Work Booklet) are:
To study the purpose of international organisations and why they were set up. To understand the role the UK plays as part of these organisations.
To evaluate the effectiveness of these organisations.
All paid for resources come in editable formats. Citizenship GCSE Revision. Please leave a review if you found this product useful. The more reviews we get the more free material we are ale to produce.
We run Facebook Support Groups for PSHE, CITIZENSHIP and RSE - where we regularly create bespoke homework sheets for you to use with your classes - Please join us here:
-The resource you are downloading was created for a person in our Facebook group by us for FREE.
We offer a full teaching curriculum for the following subjects;
Sixth Form Personal Development
GCSE Citizenship
You can also get more FREE tips, resources and curriculum ideas by joining one of our teacher CPD Support groups
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email to TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com
Explore all our resources on TES
A detailed lesson exploring the age of Criminal Responsibility in England and Wales . Editable PowerPoint Lesson for Citizenship Studies. (60-120 Minutes worth of Material) suitable for KS3 or KS4 students.
Learning Outcomes:
Secure: To identify the age of Criminal responsibility
Extended: To understand legal rights in the UK children have
Advanced: To Evaluate if the age of criminal responsibility is too low in England and Wales
Made by a team of Specialist Practicing Humanities Teachers as part of one of the leading PSHE & Citizenship Resource Providers in the UK - Cre8tive Resources .
What is included in this product?
Fully editable 20 slide PowerPoint Lesson 60-120 minutes
20 Exit tickets
Debate Sheet
Student Information sheet
Student Work Sheet
Answer Keys:
Student input creates some of the answers. Product Code CIT/C8/LS/62
Description of Product
Ready-to-Use pack of classroom activities will enthuse and engage students! This lesson material is designed to be used for between one and two teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
N.B This lesson can be taught with no printing (For those on tight budgets :)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
With over 600 Citizenship and PSHE Products to pick from why not try looking at one of these:
British Values Quiz
Comparing electoral systems
Voting systems and electoral reform
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
Citizenship & Law Virtual Escape Room by Cre8tive Resources! This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your class. C8/ES/06
Product Contents:
Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display
Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)
Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms
Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)
Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly
Successful Escape Certificates
Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.
Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams
The 7 Rooms include: Secret Bunker, Space Station, Garden Tunnel, The Office, Dungeon, The Island, Skate Park (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable to KS3 and KS4 Student or even bright KS2 students).
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Our Citizenship and PSHE 2020 Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
Why not try out one of our other fantastic Escape Rooms
English and Language Digital Escape Room
Big Fun End of Term Digital Escape Room
PSHE and Form Time Escape Room
Careers Digital Escape Room
Citizenship & Politics Digital Escape Room
Citizenship & Law Digital Escape Room
Religions and Society Digital Escape Room
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
UK Politics Quiz Lesson
Teach and test your student’s knowledge of UK Politics through 10 mixed rounds with 50+ questions and hidden video clips.
This resource contains:
1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /50+ Marks (PDF and PPT Version) and all the answers!!
3 x Sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
Contains 10 Rounds: Identify People in Politics, Match the Political Words, True or False, Identify the Party Logo, Design Challenge and more…
This quiz resource is perfect for lesson time, form time, extracurricular clubs, part of a drop-down day or as a fun and educational treat for your class.
This will last a full hour by the time you get students into small teams and run through the Quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. A tie-breaker is included which involves drawing an image, top 3 score points. This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to teach your students about UK politics.
Here are some of our other popular fast selling form tutor resources:
British Values Quiz
The Big Literacy Quiz
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
Autumn Tutor Time Package
The Big Brexit Quiz
Big Law + Equality Christmas Quiz – Christmas 50+ Questions for that perfect end of term subject based lesson. This Christmas quiz has a mixture of questions and rounds and skills. Some of the rounds will be subject based with subject based knowledge whilst others will be Christmas themed giving that perfect mix for an end of term Christmas lesson.
This resource will last a full 50 minutes to 1 hour.
This Law + Equality resource contains:
1x PowerPoint with questions and answers
1x Student Answer Sheet double sided out of /54+ Marks
3 sets of Editable Team Certificates (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
Skills reflection slide
Personal reflection questions
What does the Law + Equality Christmas quiz comprise of?
Round 1:
Identify winter inspired images
Round 2:
True or False - good variety of themed questions
**Round 3: **
Matching and strategy can you find the correct links and eliminate all others
Round 4:
Linking Round - be able to make the correct links between left and right lists
Round 5:
Numbers Round -all the answers will involve numbers.
Round 6:
Jumbled up Round - Unravel these to find the answer staring directly back at you
Round 7:
Multiple Choice theory - Put your team to the test
Round 8:
Observation Round - Look at the image , remember everything you see….
Round 9:
Wordsearch Round - Locate the words before time runs out…
**Round 10: **
Tie Breaker - Design it but use all your team’s creative abilities
This will last a full hour for the full quiz by the time you get students into small teams and run through the quiz and the interactive way the answers appear. This informative, fun and engaging quiz will be a great way to celebrate the end of term and Christmas.
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.
Leave a review and email TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com for a free resource as a thank you!!
Explore all our resources on TES
Types of Democracy Citizenship GCSE (9-1) 2016 onwards
11 PAGE study work booklet of classroom-ready activities will enthuse and engage students, and ensuring they get the most from their course. Product code: CIT/C8/WB/27
-To study the differences between classical and representative democracy
-To understand how democracy has changed over time
-To evaluate the pros and cons of using direct democracy to make decisions
This booklet has been created by a dedicated team of Citizenship experts and is matched against the new curriculum specifications set by the exam board.
It can be used to teach the topic of Types of Democracy, through a range of stimulating exercises, encouraging discussion and liven up lessons through structured engagement between students.
This Booklet Contains:
o Revision Summary Topic Map
o Contemporary case studies around this topic
o A clear focus on key terms and literacy based activities
o Differentiated Exam Questions and Practice
o 11 pages of ready-to-use student worksheets designed to be written on
o A wide range of activities, to suit all types of learners.
o Minimal preparation required – Just print and go!
o Discussion activities included in with every case study, challenging your most able students
o Links to online digital and flipped learning activities
Product code: CIT/C8/WB/27
Can be used for a whole lesson or two on Types of Democracy, or as a recap/revision tool on key issues.
They can also be used to encourage a flipped learning environment.
Fully matched to cover all specification content for GCSE Citizenship.
This resource will engage, educate and motivate your students – fantastic for quick and easy planning!
You may also want to check out our very popular GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
Here are some of our other popular fast selling premium resources this month:
British Values Quiz
Brexit and The European Union Lesson
Brexit Negotiations and Transition period
The European Union and Brexit GCSE Work Booklet
Premium Form Tutor Resource - Full Year Package
The Big Brexit Quiz
2 Year’s worth of Form Tutor Materials
International Court of Justice ICJ PowerPoint Lesson for Citizenship Studies. (60-120 Minutes worth of Material) suitable for KS3 or KS4 students.
Learning Outcomes:
Secure: To identify the legal jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice
Extended: To understand the make up of the ICJ judges and how it links to the UN
Advanced: To understand why a world Court is needed
Made by a team of Specialist Practicing Citizenship Teachers as part of one of the leading Citizenship Resources Providers in the UK - Cre8tive Resources .
What is included in this product?
Fully editable 15 slide PowerPoint Lesson 60-120 minutes
ICJ Student Worksheet
Chat Forum Activity worksheet
20 Exit Tickets
Answer Keys:
Student input creates some of the answers. Product Code CIT/C8/LS/40
Description of Product
Ready-to-Use pack of classroom activities will enthuse and engage students that don’t require lots of printing! This lesson material is designed to be used for between one and two teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
N.B This lesson can be taught with no printing (For those on tight budgets :)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
With over 600 Citizenship and PSHE Products to pick from why not try looking at one of these:
British Values Quiz
Comparing electoral systems
Voting systems and electoral reform
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
Types of Democracy
GCSE Citizenship Revision Quiz
British Identity Depth study
This is a mini Work Book about Precedence and Case law. CIT/C8F/TL/16 GCSE Citizenship course. Citizenship Law Politics Humanities Revision Homework or Class Activities
Key learning outcomes for this unit of work (If you purchase the Full Work Booklet) are:
-To study the main five sources of law.
-To understand the different types of legislation that exist including primary and secondary legislation
-To evaluate whether the UK still has parliamentary sovereignty in the wake of EU membership
All paid for resources come in editable formats. Citizenship GCSE Revision. Please leave a review if you found this product useful. The more reviews we get the more free material we are ale to produce.
We offer a full teaching curriculum for the following subjects;
Sixth Form Personal Development
GCSE Citizenship
You can also get more FREE tips, resources and curriculum ideas by joining one of our teacher CPD Support groups
Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email to TheCre8tiveResources@gmail.com
Explore all our resources on TES
GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Cards x20 keyword topic revision cards
Different Types of Courts and Sentencing Power - Legal system
This resource includes:
x20 keyword topic revision cards with Included pictures
x20 keyword topic revision cards with a drawing activity instead
Each keyword topic revision card includes.
Key Term, Definition, Synonym, Example of the word in a sentence, Picture or Icon
and two or three GCSE 9-1 Exam Technique Qs’
You have two version one with Pictures and one without. (Allowing students to draw their own image to represent the key terms)
These are designed to help your students learn the new vocabulary required for the new GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1
This resource is also useful for PP / EAL / SEN students and those with literacy needs.
They will also help your most able students with exam technique and remembering ‘wow’ words to boost their responses in extended essay questions (6/8 /12 and 15 mark responses).
How can they be used?
Here are just a few examples of how our exam classes use them.
Student complete the Q’s and draw in the pictures.
-Hide them around the room and have students find them before introducing a new topic (Find links between different topic cards)
Matching up activity. Cut the topic cards in half and have students find the matching pairs.
-Encourage students to come up with their own extra key term topic cards or extra sentence they can use to include several key terms.
-Literacy support when writing essays.
-Revision material before exams.
Have a set laminated and cut out at the back of the classroom in a box for extension activities.
You may also want to check out our very popular GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets.
Are the Police doing a good job? What role does the police service perform? How trusted are the police? PowerPoint Lesson for Citizenship Studies. (60-120 Minutes worth of Material) suitable for KS3 or KS4 students.
Learning Outcomes:
Secure: To explain the role of a police officer in the UK and understand the police powers of arrest
Extended: To understand how the police deal with crime and major events like the 2011 riots
Advanced: To evaluate whether the police are doing a good job
Made by a team of Specialist Practicing Citizenship Teachers as part of one of the leading Citizenship Resources Providers in the UK - Cre8tive Resources .
What is included in this product?
Fully editable 19 slide PowerPoint Lesson 60-120 minutes
*UK Police Student Handout worksheet
UK Police debates sheet
Answer Keys:
Student input creates some of the answers. Product Code CIT/C8/LS/38
Description of Product
Ready-to-Use pack of classroom activities will enthuse and engage students that don’t require lots of printing! This lesson material is designed to be used for between one and two teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
N.B This lesson can be taught with no printing (For those on tight budgets :)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
With over 600 Citizenship and PSHE Products to pick from why not try looking at one of these:
British Values Quiz
Comparing electoral systems
Voting systems and electoral reform
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
Types of Democracy
GCSE Citizenship Revision Quiz
British Identity Depth study
International Criminal Court ICC PowerPoint Lesson for Citizenship Studies. (60-120 Minutes worth of Material) suitable for KS3 or KS4 students.
Learning Outcomes:
Secure: To study the work and purpose of the ICC and why it was set up
Extended: To understand the role the ICC plays in the world
Advanced: To evaluate the effectiveness of the ICC by identifying strengths, weakness and potential reforms
Made by a team of Specialist Practicing Citizenship Teachers as part of one of the leading Citizenship Resources Providers in the UK - Cre8tive Resources .
What is included in this product?
Fully editable 19 slide PowerPoint Lesson 60-120 minutes
ICC Campaign handout
ICC Worksheet
ICC debates
20 Entrance Tickets
Answer Keys:
Student input creates some of the answers. Product Code CIT/C8/LS/39
Description of Product
Ready-to-Use pack of classroom activities will enthuse and engage students that don’t require lots of printing! This lesson material is designed to be used for between one and two teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
N.B This lesson can be taught with no printing (For those on tight budgets :)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
With over 600 Citizenship and PSHE Products to pick from why not try looking at one of these:
British Values Quiz
Comparing electoral systems
Voting systems and electoral reform
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
Types of Democracy
GCSE Citizenship Revision Quiz
British Identity Depth study
A detailed lesson exploring how the signing of the Magna Carta is still relevant today in shaping UK politics and legal systems and rule of law. Editable PowerPoint Lesson for Citizenship Studies. (60-120 Minutes worth of Material) suitable for KS3 or KS4 students.
Learning Outcomes:
Secure: To explore the different clauses of the Magna Carta
Extended: To consider why the magna Carta is significant in the development of parliament
Advanced: to evaluate how the magna carta impacts on laws today
Made by a team of Specialist Practicing Humanities Teachers as part of one of the leading PSHE & Citizenship Resource Providers in the UK - Cre8tive Resources .
What is included in this product?
Fully editable 18 slide PowerPoint Lesson 60-120 minutes
Student Information sheet
Student Work Sheet
Student debates sheet
Answer Keys:
Student input creates some of the answers. Product Code CIT/C8/LS/67
Description of Product
Ready-to-Use pack of classroom activities will enthuse and engage students! This lesson material is designed to be used for between one and two teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
N.B This lesson can be taught with no printing (For those on tight budgets :)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
With over 600 Citizenship and PSHE Products to pick from why not try looking at one of these:
British Values Quiz
Comparing electoral systems
Voting systems and electoral reform
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
A detailed lesson exploring employment rights and responibilities in the UK. A detailed look at employment law. Editable PowerPoint Lesson for Citizenship Studies. (60-120 Minutes worth of Material) suitable for KS3 or KS4 students.
Learning Outcomes:
Secure: To identify a variety of employment rights and responsibilities in the UK
Extended: To understand how an employee can enforce their employment rights
Advanced: To explore the gender pay gap in society
Made by a team of Specialist Practicing Humanities Teachers as part of one of the leading PSHE & Citizenship Resource Providers in the UK - Cre8tive Resources .
What is included in this product?
Fully editable 21 slide PowerPoint Lesson 60-120 minutes
Student Work Sheet
Student debates sheet
Answer Keys:
Student input creates some of the answers. Product Code CIT/C8/LS/68
Description of Product
Ready-to-Use pack of classroom activities will enthuse and engage students! This lesson material is designed to be used for between one and two teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
N.B This lesson can be taught with no printing (For those on tight budgets :)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
With over 600 Citizenship and PSHE Products to pick from why not try looking at one of these:
British Values Quiz
Comparing electoral systems
Voting systems and electoral reform
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
The Judiciary 15 page Work Booklet CIT/C8/WB/86 Citizenship GCSE - Work From Home Pack -
GCSE Citizenship or Law (9-1) CIT/C8/WB/86
Work Booklet Outcomes:
-To study the Judiciary in England And Wales (Hierarchy, Diversity, Training)
-To understand the role of a judge in a Crown Court
-To evaluate how representative of society the judiciary really is.
It can be used to teach this topic, through a range of stimulating exercises, encouraging discussion and liven up lessons through structured engagement between students.
This Booklet Contains:
o Revision Summary Topic Map
o Contemporary case studies around this topic
o A clear focus on key terms and literacy based activities
o Differentiated Exam Questions and Practice (1-5 and 6-9)
o Key term Revision Cards
o Brand New Revision Activities E.G Revision Cubes / Question Trees / Revision Clocks
o Lots of ready-to-use student worksheets designed to be written on
o A wide range of activities, to suit all types of learners.
o Easily 4 -8 Hours worth of Revision Materials to cover this topic
o Discussion activities included in with every case study, challenging your most able students
o Links to online digital and flipped learning activities
Professional study work booklet of classroom-ready activities will enthuse and engage students, and ensure they get the most from their Citizenship GCSE (9-1-2016 onwards course.)
Fully matched to cover all specification content for GCSE Citizenship 9-1 . Made by a specialist team of Citizenship Teachers.
Cre8tive Resources is the No. 1 Provider of High Quality Cre8tive GCSE Citizenship Resources in the UK.
Just Print & go!
You may also want to check out other popular Citizenship GCSE Full Curriculum Bundles:
Citizenship GCSE 9-1 AQA Complete Assessment /Exam and Analysis Package
Citizenship GCSE 9-1 EDEXCEL Complete Assessment /Exam and Analysis Package
Citizenship GCSE 9-1 OCR Complete Assessment /Exam and Analysis Package
AQA GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision topic Cards
EDEXCEL GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision topic Cards
OCR GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision topic Cards
Separation of Powers Student Work
2x Lessons - Different sources of law - Sovereignty of Parliament CIT/C8/LS/01
NEW GCSE Citizenship (9-1)
This resource contains:
1 x PowerPoint for double lesson 120 min - Different Sources of law
3 x Hand-out worksheet for students to complete
These PowerPoint resources can be used to cover the GCSE Citizenship topic Constitution and the Law.
This lesson can be delivered without any printing. Just pick up and go! Or you can print the handouts to use as part of the lesson or as a consolidation homework or save them for revision! The choice is yours.
This lesson material is designed to be used for between two and three teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
AQA Specification covered is: Theme 2 Rights and Responsibilities
Edexcel Specification covered is: Theme C How the law works
OCR Specification covered is: Section 1 Rights the law and the legal system in England and Wales
Lesson Objectives:
Secure: To identify how laws are made and where they come from
Extended: To understand the different sources of law
Advanced: To examine whether judges should be able to interpret laws differently from the way parliament intended
Level: NEW GCSE Citizenship (9-1) OCR / EDEXCEL / AQA
You may also want to check out our very popular premium professional looking GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision Guides, Trackers and Work Booklets.
Here are some of our other popular political resources:
British Values Quiz
Comparing electoral systems
Voting systems and electoral reform
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
Types of Democracy
GCSE Citizenship Revision Quiz
British Identity Depth study
Stop & Search Explored in the UK - Why does it cause so many problems? Has it been used incorrectly? Can it be used to tackle Londons growing knife crime problem? PowerPoint Lesson for Citizenship Studies. (60-120 Minutes worth of Material) suitable for KS3 or KS4 students.
Learning Outcomes:
Secure: To understand the rules around Stop & Search
Extended: To understand the advantages and disadvantages of excessive use of Stop & Search
Advanced: To explore the different responsibilities UK citizens perform in the Justice System
Made by a team of Specialist Practicing Citizenship Teachers as part of one of the leading Citizenship Resources Providers in the UK - Cre8tive Resources .
What is included in this product?
Fully editable 21 slide PowerPoint Lesson 60-120 minutes
Stop & search Handout
Chat Forum Activity worksheet
Answer Keys:
Student input creates some of the answers. Product Code CIT/C8/LS/44
Description of Product
Ready-to-Use pack of classroom activities will enthuse and engage students that don’t require lots of printing! This lesson material is designed to be used for between one and two teaching periods and includes; activities, challenging and thoughtful questions, student hand-out (for use during lesson or as a homework), embedded URL links (where appropriate), differentiated tasks and, all relevant information to help students learn about issues relating to the topic.
N.B This lesson can be taught with no printing (For those on tight budgets :)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
With over 600 Citizenship and PSHE Products to pick from why not try looking at one of these:
British Values Quiz
Comparing electoral systems
Voting systems and electoral reform
GCSE CItizenship UNIT
What is Identity
Types of Democracy
GCSE Citizenship Revision Quiz
British Identity Depth study